
Sonia Gandhi || (Free Travel) Congress pay rail travel for migrants

Congress pay rail travel for migrants

The second lockdown in India has ended on Sunday, however from today onwards the third phase of the lockdown will begin.
This has been extended for two weeks till May 17th. But some considerable relaxations have been given based on the risk profiles of districts or a particular area.
The Ministry of Home Affairs as a part of the relaxation has a loved movement of migrant workers.
Sonia Gandhi helps migrant labours

The migrant workers who were hit the most due to the sudden lockdown were stranded in different parts of the country with no food money or shelter. desperate to go back home some had even staged a protest in Bandra surah and Headrabad some even started walking barefoot thousands of kilometers. but while the government has allowed them to travel to their whole towns. It was not until today that they made the travel completely free.
The migrant workers who were being sent back home via rail and buses were being charged a hefty amount of ticket fare. several chief ministers had raised their voice against it even opposition Congress party had requested the government to make the travel completely free for the migrants.
As the government did not issue any clarification about this.

Sonia Gandhi extend  helping hand to migrant labours.

Congress president Sonia Gandhi directed all the state units of Congress party to bear the expenses of rail travel of migrant workers she slammed the inaction of Modi government in this regard criticizing the Modi government in strong words. she asked if the government can spend hundreds of crores on Gujarat even to welcome US president Donald Trump and railways can contribute rupees 151 crores for p.m. cares. why can't the government make travel free for the migrant workers. she also said that this is the first time after 1947 that India has witnessed a tragedy with such a massive human cost. she further said despite raising the issue with the government several times the government choose to ignore it. now here is the entire letter of Sonia Gandhi.
Letter of Sonia Gandhi for free travel for migrants

Central government of India announced free ticket for migrant workers.

The centre after facing a massive backlash decided to make the travel free. It has announced that 85 percent of the total cost of tickets will be paid by the central government whereas states will bear 15% of the expenses. now politics is going on on this particular issue. but let us see whether the migrants on ground will actually get tickets for free or not do let us know what you think in the comment box below 
Sonia Gandhi || (Free Travel) Congress pay rail travel for migrants Sonia Gandhi || (Free Travel) Congress pay rail travel for migrants Reviewed by bhadskar on May 04, 2020 Rating: 5

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